Chalk Girl Released on Bail

Chalk Girl

The ‘Chalk Girl’ story is front and centre in the international media with stories filed by Time, the Wall Street Journal, CNN, and the New York Times – giving the Police, the ‘independent’ courts and the government another massive black eye and more loss of face (not that they had any left). The attention probably has something to do with why she’s now suddenly being released on bail.…/hong-kong-police-try-to-take-14-yea…/…/hong-kong-teen-protesters-chalk-girl-cha…/…/hong-kong-police-cri…/


Umbrella Movement – Christmas Eve!i=3783623471&k=XnMrb9J

9wu, carol singing, Banayaooyoo @ Dark Corner
Click on a photo to see more images!i=3783612795&k=hMbGWZh!i=3783616924&k=3dMRxLb!i=3783611140&k=fZrrrfz!i=3783612768&k=nmCdBmW!i=3783621366&k=RkTxv3Z!i=3783610273&k=TBbmJBV

Umbrella Movement – 22 December, 2014!i=3778837564&k=FJkFfmM

Outside Legco and Civic Square the Umbrella Movement’s tented enclosure fights off the cold and government as the struggle to bring competence and accountability to those ‘elected’ to run Hong Kong continues.
A ‘Lennon’ chair, re-cycling, study corner 2…
Click on the photos to see more.!i=3778833285&k=zP7hQsN!i=3778834697&k=9GWJq9v!i=3778843262&k=GBqLxJQ!i=3778837452&k=nSZ3t29

Umbrella Movement: Yellow Market – 20 December, 2014!i=3778859911&k=fDFZfDv

The Yellow Market is/was an open market about art in the pursuit of democracy. Participants at the Yellow Market were/are part of the Umbrella Movement. Amongst the many creative participants are some making yellow brass ribbons, others unique Lego figurines while other are knitting floor mats from old clothing.

Foo Tak Building at 365 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong is a creative nub where many small companies us art and creativity to wake up those still asleep to the reality of the world around them. If you’re in the area, take a look sometime.
Click on the photos to see more!i=3778861172&k=BKfZM4R!i=3778862339&k=JtSh9FX

Umbrella Movement: Legco Clearance – 15 December, 2014!i=3764205892&k=2VbsjMs

A lone last tent stands defiant beneath the two flags, one system.

The Hong Kong Legislative Building includes a Designated Demonstration Area (DDA) underneath it’s ‘drum’ where anyone can legally protest about anything to the government. Yet it seems that the people elected by Hongkongers to serve and represent them are getting selective in the disputes they like to hear/see. Or rather, they’re too lazy to walk 50m and want the prestige of being driven to the door in their chauffeured transport (paid for by taxpayers of course).

The tented pro-Democracy protest site in the DDA – which was also raising awareness of recycling and objecting to the waste of public money that is the new incinerator (a topic for another day) – was cleared today 15 December, 2015 so that Chinese Premiere Xi is appeased when he visits Macau to celebrate the 15th Anniversary of the Macau SAR.
Click on the photos to see more images!i=3764212997&k=fKKzd3N!i=3764217084&k=K5DL7vH!i=3764214993&k=2VwDmv4!i=3764208594&k=8bB8kZP!i=3764210535&k=tQwqf3w!i=3764200226&k=ZtZLwnT


Umbrella Movement: Causeway Bay – 14 December, 2014!i=3761751686&k=TQJKSPh!i=3761737345&k=gc4b9dN!i=3761806016&k=rM8ZqXT

Causeway Bay’s last day…

Click on the photos to see the full gallery!i=3761833336&k=WBnCHNZ!i=3761742158&k=Ftjh4XC!i=3761745528&k=fsLBjKk!i=3761748036&k=qdrND9H!i=3761729053&k=kcR5DR5!i=3761729381&k=ZX4Hc8x!i=3761732054&k=dzNrrRH!i=3761735471&k=qrKq5Mp!i=3761734030&k=3zNJpqx

Your Rights v Police Powers

The increasing suppression of freedom of speech, the blocking of the press by the police to prevent their actions being recorded, scrutinised and exposed when illegal is fast turning Hong Kong into a police state.

There has been nothing public from the ineffectual buffoons in Legco to instruct the police to act in this manner. So one can only assume the harassment is on the instructions of Cy Leung and his Beijing puppet masters.

With this random stop, search, arrest, assault – it’s important that you know your rights and what the police are legally allowed to do. Not that, as we have seen, the police obey the law.

It’s called the Hong Kong Civil Liberties Union Protestors Rights Handbook – but it’s worth reading by anyone as it offers a good simple explanation of your basic legal rights when dealing with the police. Download a pdf copy here

The police have extensive powers, the two most relevant sections of the Police Force Ordinance are Chapter 232, section 54 entitled ‘The Power to stop, detain and search’ and Chapter 232 section 50 entitled ‘Arrest, detention and bail of suspected persons and seizure of suspected property’.

Chapter 232, section 54 entitled 'The Power to stop, detain and search'

Several tweets have quoted police officers in Mong Kok as saying that if they see the same id card in their random stop and search harassments – then that person will be arrested.

The attraction of Mong Kok is wandering the streets full of wonderful street food and restaurants while trying to decide what’s to eat or buy… if that’s now been deemed illegal then it looks like a slow death for Mong Kok shops by police intimidation of their customers. I love the red bean pancakes and other pastries at the Kee Tsui Cake Shop 奇趣餅家, 135 Fa Yuen Street, but going there to buy them each week I now face the prospect of being arrested.

Or perhaps this is part of the bigger plan by the government, property tycoons and the Urban Renewal Authority to destroy the Mong Kok we love and replace it with more generic shopping malls targeting mainland tourist shoppers.

謝曬皮 Tse Sai Pei The Incapable – The ‘Fakeness’ of the Pan-Dem Camp

Political Cartoon

謝曬皮 Tse Sai Pei The Incapable political cartoon on the fakeness of the pan-dem camp, stealing the hard effort of the ordinary protesters

Tse Sai Pei The Incapable