Studio City Macau – Opens 27 October, 2015

Studio City Macau

Even as Macau gambling revenues tumble from their stratospheric levels of two years ago construction still continues on seven new integrated resorts. They’re casinos in all but name, the Macau and Chinese governments looking to put a more palatable identity for the worlds largest gambling centre. Which is good news for those of us who enjoy Macau, but – much to the annoyance of the casinos – don’t gamble.

The newest resort on the block, opening on the 27 October, is Studio City the latest venture to join the Melco Crown empire headed by Lawrence Loo and James Packer. Located close to the new Lotus Gate border crossing, Studio City is easily identified by it’s unique figure 8 gondola ride located in the middle of the building. On bc’s recent tour of the almost completed resort the ride looks spectacular and is set to become one of the must do things in Macau. Quite where the long queues will line up we’re not sure.

batman-macauThe integrated resort theme runs through the whole 6 million square foot building, competing with the gondola ride for most attractive non-gaming feature will be the 4D Batman Dark Flight ride (MOP$150) where ‘flying’ through Gotham City promises to be a thrilling audio, visual and sensory adventure.

Aside from gambling, shopping and dining Studio City will combine the magic of cinema with the magic of illusion to leave you smiling as your money disappears infront of your very eyes. The House of Magic by Franz Harary is a three theatre experience of illusion and and magic. Three magic shows for the price of one, we’re very interested to see how this works – tickets are MOP$600(VIP), $400.

Studio City will also be hosting concerts at it’s 5,000 seat Event Centre and the first concert announced is Madonna. Tickets for the two shows on 20, 21 February 2016 go onsale on the 16 October priced at MOP$10,588, $8,888, $7,888, $2,588 from

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Madonna – Rebel Heart Tour
Date: 8pm, 17-18 February, 2016
Venue: AsiaWorld-Expo, Arena
Tickets: $16,888, $11,888, $8,888, $6,888, $5,888, $4,888, $2,488, $1,888, $1,488, $688 from HKTicketing – on sale 25 September

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