28.9 – One Year On



The 28 September 2015 marked the first anniversary of the start of the Umbrella Movement. The earlier student protests bolstered as tens of thousands joined the streets in support of universal suffrage. Those numbers bolstered to over 200,000 after the police fired tear gas and aimed shotguns at peaceful HongKongers.

Hong Kong’s students of all ages put the topic of universal suffrage in Hong Kong front and centre both locally and globally, so there was double sadness yesterday as the stage in front of the Lennon Wall was devoid of students and full of the same old politicians who expel a lot of hot-air but have achieved little; and who last year sat on coat-tails of a social movement for their own benefit.

The last twelve months have exposed China’s desire to destroy Hong Kong, to turn it into just another subjugated Chinese city with laws not worth the paper they’re printed on. Where the wealthy plunder, protected by politicised uniformed thugs masquerading as a police force.

Quite why they want to do this, when Hong Kong has provided such an effective way for rich mainlanders to squirrel their money out of China and stash it safely in countries where contracts and laws have real meaning. Currently Hong Kong is an expendable pawn in the factions battle in the mainland and until that battle is resolved, we’re going to suffer.

Some may say that last year’s street demonstrations achieved nothing – well you weren’t there… To those of us who were, it was a defining moment, a collective realisation that we must not let Hong Kong the place we love and call home slip quietly into the night. That we are HongKongers and proud of it and we will be heard.

Click on any photo to see the full gallery of images







Umbrella Movement First Anniversary Events



Umbrella Movement First Anniversary Activities

September 26 (Saturday)

HKFS & Scholarism talks
Time: 1 – 9 pm (7 – 9 pm Chan Kin-man and Nathan Law)
Location: Tamar Park & LegCo
More info: https://www.facebook.com/hkfs1958/photos/a.433111302871.207569.269056797871/10153272698257872/?type=3

9WU March & Rally
Time: 6:30 – 10:30 pm
Location: Mong Kok Sai Yeung Choi Street South to Admiralty Civic Square
Contact: Ah Wai 9520 6046


September 27 (Sunday)

HKFS & Scholarism Talks
1 – 5:30pm (4-5:30 pm Agnes Chow)
Location: Tamar Park & LegCo
More info: https://www.facebook.com/hkfs1958/photos/a.433111302871.207569.269056797871/10153272698257872/?type=3

Christian Group Camp Out
Evening till September 28 noon
Location: LegCo
More info: https://www.thestandnews.com/politics/%E4%BD%94%E9%A0%98%E9%81%8B%E5%8B%95%E4%B8%80%E5%91%A8%E5%B9%B4%E5%B0%87%E8%87%B3-%E5%9C%98%E9%AB%94%E9%80%A3%E6%97%A5%E8%88%89%E8%BE%A6%E7%B4%80%E5%BF%B5%E6%B4%BB%E5%8B%95/

September 28 (Monday)

People Power returns to Admiralty
Time: 12pm
Location: Lennon Wall
More info:

Civil Human Rights Front Rally
3 – 8pm (5:58 pm silent stand for tear gas memorial)
Location: Lennon Wall
More info: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/news/art/20150923/19305999

Mass by Father Franco Mella
Time: 4 – 5:45pm
Location: Lennon Wall
More info: http://www.police.gov.hk/info/doc/nono/CRN15046509E.pdf

Prayer & Film Screening
Location: LegCo
More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/721477591312188/

Prayer session by Cardinal Zen, Catholic Justice & Peace Commission
Location: LegCo
More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/1488805408113134/

Bible Reading at Wanchai Methodist Church for Occupy Anniversary
10:30am – 12pm
Location: Wanchai Methodist Church
More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/428896173983596/

CUHK Student Union Talks
12-10 pm (12 – 1 pm Chan Kin-man)
Location: CUHK main library
More info: https://www.facebook.com/CUHK.SU/photos/a.416078851787863.103438.416069858455429/987348491327560/?type=3

Blue Ribbon March & Rally (Defend HK Campaign = Fu Chun-chung 保衛香港聯盟=傳振中)
1:30 – 5:30 pm
Location: Causeway Bay Hang Lung Centre to Wan Chai Canal Road bridge
More info: http://www.police.gov.hk/info/doc/nono/WCHRN15047906E.pdf

Blue Ribbon March & Rally (Occupy Central Not Represent Me, Man Shek 佔中不代表我,忠義民團石房有)
Location: Chater Garden to Police HQ to Tamar Park
More info: https://www.facebook.com/TANGTAKTAK/posts/1493584797602452:0

eXIBddtSeptember 29 (Tuesday)

CUHK Student Union Talks
12 pm – 12 am (12 – 2pm Long Hair)
Location: CUHK main library
More info:  https://www.facebook.com/CUHK.SU/photos/a.416078851787863.103438.416069858455429/987348491327560/?type=3

September 30 (Wednesday)

CUHK Student Union Talks
Time: 12 – 4pm
Location: CUHK main library
More info: https://www.facebook.com/CUHK.SU/photos/a.416078851787863.103438.416069858455429/987348491327560/?type=3

Umbrella Ultra Marathon Images – 29 October, 2014



To emphasise that the road to universal suffrage is a long one with many challenges, two of HK’s top ultra runners John Ellis and Andrew Dawson and hundred of others joined together to run 110km around Hong Kong. Using GPS technology they mapped out a route to draw an Umbrella across all of HK. No road is too long and no mountain is too high when on the path to human dignity and respect for all citizens.

John Ellis summed up the run this way “So much positive energy all day, and new friends who have offered massive encouragement all day. Thank you Hong Kong – this spontaneous eruption of support for us, but more importantly, for the protestors in Admiralty, MK and CWB, and what they represent, has been truly humbling.”


There’s a lovely clip of the runners accompanied by a bagpiper here




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Umbrella Ultra Marathon – 29 October, 2014

Umbrella Ultra Marathon - 29 October, 2014

To mark the one month anniversary of the Umbrella Movement and to demonstrate that the road to universal suffrage is a long one with many challenges, two of HK’s top ultra runners John Ellis and Andrew Dawson will depart on an epic, 102km run around HK using GPS technology to map out an Umbrella across all of HK. No road is too long and no mountain is too high when on the path to human dignity and respect for all citizens.

Want to run all or part of the course, join the facebook page Umbrella Ultra Marathon
Follow the marathon on twitter @umbrellaultra
Location tracking using a SPOT tracker will be visible under http://bit.ly/UUloc

Umbrella Ultra Marathon itinerary:
Start 4am – Shing Mun Reservoir dam wall (Maclehose stage 7)
CP1 – Roundabout at Angler’s Beach, 12.1km – 5:30am
CP2 – Tai Lam Reservoir dam wall, 19.0km – 6:20am
CP3 – Sheung Tsuen Park, 31.9km – 8:00am
CP4 – McDonald’s Tai Wo, 40.0km – 9:00am
CP5 – Ma On Shan sports field, Vista Paradiso, 51.8km – 10:15am
CP6 – 7-Eleven, Po Tung Rd near Sai Kung Park, 58.8km – 11:45am
CP7 – Tsang Tai Uk playground, Shatin, 72.4km – 2:00pm
CP8 – Monkey Hill (Taipo Rd), 83.2km – 3:30pm
CP9 – Mongkok protest site, Nathan & Argyle, 87.9km – 4:00pm
CP10 – Lennon wall in Admiralty, 90.8km – 5:15pm
Finish – 7-Eleven, Sassoon Rd, 102km – 6:45pm
7:15pm – Return to Admiralty for last lap of site.

Runners can join the marathon at any stage. Please email umbrellaultra@gmail.com to arrange. Alternatively, everyone is invited to join the team at the Mongkok Protest site at 4:45pm and run as much of the last leg as they like.

Andrew Dawson
Andrew Dawson
John Ellis
John Ellis