The ‘Chalk Girl’ story is front and centre in the international media with stories filed by Time, the Wall Street Journal, CNN, and the New York Times – giving the Police, the ‘independent’ courts and the government another massive black eye and more loss of face (not that they had any left). The attention probably has something to do with why she’s now suddenly being released on bail.
Outside Legco and Civic Square the Umbrella Movement’s tented enclosure fights off the cold and government as the struggle to bring competence and accountability to those ‘elected’ to run Hong Kong continues.
A ‘Lennon’ chair, re-cycling, study corner 2…
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The Yellow Market is/was an open market about art in the pursuit of democracy. Participants at the Yellow Market were/are part of the Umbrella Movement. Amongst the many creative participants are some making yellow brass ribbons, others unique Lego figurines while other are knitting floor mats from old clothing.
Foo Tak Building at 365 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong is a creative nub where many small companies us art and creativity to wake up those still asleep to the reality of the world around them. If you’re in the area, take a look sometime.
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A lone last tent stands defiant beneath the two flags, one system.
The Hong Kong Legislative Building includes a Designated Demonstration Area (DDA) underneath it’s ‘drum’ where anyone can legally protest about anything to the government. Yet it seems that the people elected by Hongkongers to serve and represent them are getting selective in the disputes they like to hear/see. Or rather, they’re too lazy to walk 50m and want the prestige of being driven to the door in their chauffeured transport (paid for by taxpayers of course).
The tented pro-Democracy protest site in the DDA – which was also raising awareness of recycling and objecting to the waste of public money that is the new incinerator (a topic for another day) – was cleared today 15 December, 2015 so that Chinese Premiere Xi is appeased when he visits Macau to celebrate the 15th Anniversary of the Macau SAR.
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Every Tuesday while Legco’s Executive Council is in session anyone can present a petition about anything to the Chief Executive. Turn-up out side his office early enough to be in the 30 or so people admitted and you can have your say.
Whether he listens or just throws them in the first available bin is open to question. Although if you pay him $50million it probably helps – but then you wouldn’t need Petition Tuesday would you!
Today among the four groups of petitioners was Kong Man Chan and his band of blue ribbon confederates with a petition calling for the arrest of the organisers of the street protests signed by 2809 people. When asked, he offered no details as to whether the identities of the signatories had been confirmed. If you want to sign his petition or hear what he has to say you can reach him on or here
Editors Note: bc finds the blue ribbons ‘Support the police’ slogan – which would imply that they respect law and order, at odds with the actions of blue ribbon supporters who assault and instigates violent attacks against people who disagree with their viewpoint.