Hong Kong New Year Countdown Concert 2021-22

A slew of local artists including AGA, Alfred Hui, Gin Lee, Jay Fung, Joyce Cheng, MIRROR, Edan Lui and the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra created a distinctly Hong Kong style Countdown Concert in West Kowloon.

Live music has been one of the industries hardest hit by Covid and after a 2021 almost devoid of concerts, we can only hope that the Countdown Concert is the start of a year full of gigs and the uplifting feeling and happiness that sharing live music brings.

The concert was live-streamed on New Year’s Eve and is now available on the HKTB youtube channel.






Hong Kong New Year Countdown Concert – Set list

1.《@princejoyce》鄭欣宜 (Joyce Cheng)
2.MegahitAnson Lo@MIRROR
3.《喘息空間》 Gin Lee
4.《金星女孩》Anson Kong@MIRROR
5.Wonderful UAGA
6.So Called Love SongAGA
8.《開始倒數》AGAJay Fung
9.3amAGAJay Fung
10.《冬日寂寞考》Jay Fung
11.《思念即地獄》Jay Fung
14.TonightAGA x 香港管弦樂團 (HK Philharmonic Orchestra)
15.《一步一悔過》Jay Fung x 香港管弦樂團 (HK Philharmonic Orchestra)
16.《女神》鄭欣宜 (Joyce Cheng) x 香港管弦樂團 (HK Philharmonic Orchestra)
17.e先生連環不幸事件》Edan x 香港管弦樂團 (HK Philharmonic Orchestra)
18.《日出時讓街燈安睡》GinLee x 香港管弦樂團 (HK Philharmonic Orchestra)
19.《青春頌》許廷鏗 (Alfred Hui) x 香港管弦樂團 (HK Philharmonic Orchestra)
20.IDKGin Lee
21.《幸福門》Gin Lee
22.《先哭為敬》Gin Lee、《很堅強》鄭欣宜 (Joyce Cheng)
23.《最難行的路》鄭欣宜 (Joyce Cheng)
24.《天下無雙》許廷鏗 x Jay Fung
25.《我的快樂時代》許廷鏗 (Alfred Hui) x Jay Fung
26.《修羅場》許廷鏗 (Alfred Hui)
27.《佛系人生》許廷鏗 (Alfred Hui)
28.《停半分鐘聽一闋歌》許廷鏗 (Alfred Hui)
29. 《鏡中鏡》姜濤
30. 12MIRROR


photos: HKTB

Food Truck Festival @ PMQ


The Governments lame brained idea to introduce ‘Food Trucks’ to Hong Kong, when we already have some of the most amazing street food in the world, wanders down an expensive cul de sac at PMQ over the next 5 days.

There are four concept ‘food trucks’ at PMQ, as well as host of other tasty food outlets – so if you fancy grabbing a bite take a wander down. But in what is an all too familiar tale in recent years the rules and regulations imposed by the FEHD are well meant but idiotic and impractical.

The food truck festival is supposed to showcase the food trucks concept (the ones on show are far too small to be practical, but that’s a different matter) yet the FEHD rules prohibit any cooking inside the trucks (apparently they even prohibit serving food to customers from inside the truck…). So all the ‘cooking’ (actually re-heating as FEHD rules don’t allow actual cooking) is done behind the trucks.

The four participating restaurants masquerading as food trucks are:
Homie Cookies: Joyce Cheng’s home-made soft cookies ($20 each) and ice-cream sandwiches ($60) – pretty good.
A La Maison XXL Seafood and Grill: paella, lobster roll ($90), 12inch hotdog – friendly staff but small portions and nothing special enough to make visit North Point a priority.
Boomshack: burger ($80) triple cheese chicken waffle ($90) honey sriracha chicken waffle ($90) – solidly good, but with some authentic US food truck experience among the owners it would have been nice to see something more than just the same sandwiches you can buy slightly cheaper in the restaurant.
Superstar: Assorted Korean snacks $10-$50 – if you’re going to name your outlet Superstar then you need to deliver and on the first night they weren’t.


The real tasty bites are to be found in the booths at the back…
Munchies: delicious home-made donuts ($40) donut balls ($10)


Picada: colourful and tasty Chilean arepas snacks ($40) not on the restaurant’s regular menu.

Boomf: personalised marshmallows

And a fresh fruit stall where Andy the owner is using a hand-blender to turn watermelon and dragonfruits into fresh juices inside their own skins.


There’s lots to drink, but sadly no seats. Running even a pretend food truck is expensive in HK so bring plenty of cash as prices are basically the same or higher than in the restaurants of the food truck vendors and booths.

Hong Kong Food Truck Festival 2016
Date: 4-8 May, 2016
Venue: PMQ
Tickets: Free
More info: 
4 May – 6–10pm
5 – 7 May – 11am–10pm
8 May – 11am–9pm

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