Asia Society Fail to Apolgise for Joshua Wong Censorship

In a statement published on their website the Asia Society made no apology to either PEN or Joshua Wong about the censorship involved in their decision not to host the Hong Kong 20/20 book launch if Wong, a contributor to the book, spoke.

Statement on PEN Hong Kong Event, Joshua Wong
NEW YORK, July 6, 2017 — Asia Society takes this issue very seriously,
and after looking into the circumstances, it is clear that an error in judgement at the staff level was made involving the PEN Hong Kong event. Asia Society, throughout its history, has hosted events at all of its global locations with speakers representing all sides of major Asia-related issues. This has been one of our core principles since our founding in 1956; it’s still our policy today. We remain steadfast in our mission to serve as a global forum for meaningful and open dialogue.

In May, Joshua Wong spoke at Asia Society in New York along with other speakers from Hong Kong. Wong and speakers from all sides of the issue are welcome at Asia Society.
For more information, contact

It’s sad to see an organisation that claims to “serve as a global forum for meaningful and open dialogue” refuse to apologise for looking to censor such open dialogue.

Post Sentencing Rally @ Eastern Magistrates Court – 15 August, 2016

Hong Kong student activists following their sentencing at the Eastern Magistrates Court in Sai Wan Ho on Hong Kong Island. Joshua Wong is sentenced to 80 hours community service, after he joined others in entering Civic Square in September 2014 as part of the pro-democracy Occupy protests – the fore-runner to the mass Umbrella Movement protest.
Photos: Jayne Russell

A Dialogue on the Future of Hong Kong’s Democracy

A Dialogue on the Future of Hong Kong's Democracy

A Dialogue on the Future of Hong Kong’s Democracy
University of Hong Kong’s Centre for Comparative and Public Law hosts a dialogue series on Hong Kong’s Constitutional Future
Date: 6pm, 12 January, 2016
Venue: Academic Conference Room, 11/F Cheng Yu Tung Tower Centennial Campus, HK University
Tickets: Free
More info:
Speakers – Martin Lee, Benny Tai and Joshua Wong.
Simultaneous English interpretation provided

Joshua Wong: Speaking Notes for the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development of the House of Commons of Canada

Joshua Wong: Speaking Notes for the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development of the House of Commons of Canada

Honourable Chair and honourable members of the Standing Committee,

I am Joshua Wong, Convenor of Scholarism, a 18-year-old University Student now. Thanks for the Canadian Parliament’s invitation, giving me the opportunity to be one of the Hong Kong representatives to share here.

Today, from a student’s perspective, I hope that I can share my experience and exposure in these social movements since my age of 14, illustrating how the Central Government of China oppress the future of the next generation in the aspects of political systems and education. I hope my sharing will help to enhance the international concern about Hong Kong’s democratic progress.

On July 1st 2003, there were 500 thousand Hong Kong people walking out on the street to protest against the Article 23 of Basic Law which oppressed freedom of speech. In addition, the People also strive for the realization of the Universal Suffrage. The huge participation in that incident did not only cause the stepping down of Tung Chee Hwa who was then the Chief Executive, but also the withdraw of Article 23 on Basic Law.

Since then, we can observe that the Central Government began to have a strong feel about a need to strengthen the Hong Kong people’s identity recognition to China or the Chinese Communist Party. As a result, focusing at the identity issue of the young people and students, in 2011, the Education Department announced that all Primary and Secondary schools in Hong Kong must launch the subject of National Education in their curriculum.

In that National Education subject, there were quite many parts emphasizing the student’s need to establish the obedience as well as the pride towards the Chinese Communist Government, with the standards such as students were expected to feel touched with tears in front of the National Flag during the ceremony. That means, the National Education subject was in fact more than education subject, but a brain washing tool!

If the nature of the Education was to develop the young people’s independent thinking capability, this National Education subject definitely violated this education principle. It illustrated that the Central Government just viewed Hong Kong as a ruled obedient, without any respect towards the youth and students’ right to attain a proper citizenship, including the right to criticize the government.

Since then, I had a strong awareness that not only political parties and teacher’s unions protest against the National Education Subject, therefore, 4 years ago, at the age of 14, I established a student organization, Scholarism, gathering a few hundreds secondary students who supported the core values of democracy and freedom. We walked onto the street, protesting, promoting our values and expressing our requests, gaining a lot of supports from the Hong Kong People in a very short time.

Later, with the exposure of the Government’ brain-washing education material to the public, called “The China Mode”, which described the Chinese Communist Party as an “advanced, selfless and united ruling organization”. With that exposure, the whole city’s protest temperature against the National Education was raised rapidly. With the hungers strike of students and 120 thousands people’s occupation at the Central Government Office, the Government was forced to put a side the National Education Subject. At that time, I was only 15.

Previously, people thought that political movement can only be lead by political parties and worker’s unions. No one could imagine that secondary school students could plan a social movement. After the success of the Anti-National-Education Movement, more people showed their concerns and give support about the social actions from the student organizations.

Many people began to discover that it was the students’ energy, persistence, determination and courage which had enabled them to stand upon the stage of History for a more equal political system. This was why after the Anti-National-Education Movement, Scholarism continued to strive for the Universal Suffrage.

Last year, there were various joint activities with Federation of Student, expressing our dissatisfaction against the 31,August decision, including student strike jointed by more than one thousand students and ten thousand university students and the Septermber 26’s action of re-entering of Civil Plaza which triggered the Umbrella Movement.

In the nearly 80 days’ Umbrella movement, there is not yet any achievement, regardless of the participation of 200 thousand Hong Kong People. But through my experience in the participation of social movement, I want to tell every honorable congressman here and all the Chinese in Canada, after going though the days from Anti-National-Education Movement and the days of the Umbrella Movement, the lives of students in Hong Kong is no longer the same.

The generation of extensive political awareness has already begun. This is the reason why I still have hope even though there is none of achievement from the Umbrella Movement, even though those pro-China people are continuously oppress academic freedom, even though there are continuous political legal prosecutions against the protesters.

All the honorable congressman here, you may think that in a democratic country, maybe politics should be the professional participations of political parties and politicians. Social movement in the street should only be organized by a minority group of idealistic university students. But from 4 years ago till now, the age of social movement participants are declining in Hong Kong.

The phenomenon in the Umbrella Movement is that: Some 13-year-old children would participate in student strike on the street, and some 14 year-old girls would stand firm against tear gas equipped with googles and masks , while some other 15 year-old students would be arrested due to civil disobedience. Junior Form student become activist.

I understand that there are many calculations related to international politics, every day you may attend to this kind of hearings as routine and perhaps there won’t be much impact on your next election no matter you care about issues in Hong Kong or not.

But please think in different position, the children participating in the Umbrella Movement, actually are similar in age with your sons and daughters in your houses.

Maybe you have difficulty in understand why these students, living in an international financial centre, would rather risk their future to push the social reform, regardless of the risk of being blacklisted from entry into China or leaving offense record which may affect their career.

Although the young people understand that the participation of social movement may affect their future career, yet when they also discover that they can’t see any future in the current system, changing the current social system should be the only way out!

I hope that Canada Congress can continue to concern about Hong Kong’s situation, and exert the influence and pressure to the China Government since maintaining international oversight and engagement is an effective way for supporting democratic freedoms and human rights in Hong Kong.

This is the end of my sharing.








