EmptyBottles In Complete Sentences

Cha Siu Bao, Thomas and Lok are not dishes at a cha chaan teng, but ingredients that combined are Emptybottles. The local three-piece are about to release a second EP In Complete Sentences at Focal Fair on the 19 August and bc caught up with Lok to find out more.

Some of our readers may not have heard of Emptybottles, could you tell us a little about the band and it’s music.
The band began in 2013 when the three of us met in university. The type of music we play sways between mid-west emo, math-rock and post-rock but we generally stick to the music we’ve written. We believe in the DIY-ethos and had been fortunate enough to tour Taiwan and China in recent years.

The new EP In Complete Sentences, where did the inspiration for the songs come from?
Some of the songs were written in 2016 or earlier but the overall sound was determined after the tour in China last year with Taipei indie-punk band Touming Magazine. We were listening to some jazzier bands such as Shark Keeps Moving and Colossal at the time, which impacted the way we wrote our music – more space and openness.

Was it a hard EP to record or was the process very organic with the music and lyrics coming together smoothly?
Recording the EP was easier as we’ve gained studio experiences after making our first EP. The writing itself was also very organic and not in anyway forceful. The hardest part was finding time to go into studio and track the music – our guitarist is a med student and that complicated things. Our engineer Wilmer was very understanding and flexible and the EP would not have came together without his help.

Live, will the songs be as on the EP, or are they written and structured to be open for interpretation live?
We did some dubbing on the EP but in general I think the sound is very close to what we do live.

How do you feel Emptybottles’s music has evolved since your debut release?
I think there is more spaces and silences in the newer songs – instead of a barrage of riffs to pack the songs. I feel the dynamics between the intense and calm parts came together more naturally in this second EP.

With music having fully embraced digital distribution do you get the same sense of completion from releasing a digital only release, or is there a more satisfying feeling from having a physical release in your hand and seeing people buy a cd/cassette?
I also run the label Sweaty & Cramped and its a definite yes – It is a huge difference seeing someone pick up a physical copy of any music. Digital releases are somewhat incomplete and intangible, but an actual CD is complete with artwork and inserts. It is much more satisfying as an audience to be able to go through the liner notes than read off of a screen, I feel.

Live music venues locally have been having some problems recently, what could our new Chief Executive do to boost the local live music scene.
My answer, as always, is just do nothing – leave the musicians alone, let us work with the limited space we’ve found in the deserted buildings in deserted corners of the city.

What next for Emptybottles?
We will likely take a break from playing live after August to focus on other things in life, but you can still catch what we do via Sweaty & Cramped.

Emptybottles new EP In Complete Sentences is out now on Bandcamp or you can buy a physical copy at the CD release gig at Focal Fair on 19 August when Hurok and Chinese Football will be in support.

Emptybottles – In Complete Sentences EP Launch
Support: Chinese Football, Hurok
Date: 7:30pm, 19 August, 2017
Venue: Focal Fair
Tickets: $280, $200 (Advance)

