Hong Kong New Year Countdown 2024-25

The Hong Kong New Year Countdown fireworks display, organised by the HKTB, welcomed in New Year with a “Symphony of Happiness” theme that offered blessings for 2025 by revealing the myriad states and stages of the five natural elements – metal, wood, water, fire and earth – over Victoria Harbour.

2024-25 NYCD_Cruise

2024-25 NYCD_Water is Life

2024-25 NYCD_Life and Growth

2024-25 NYCD_Light of the Future

New Year’s Eve Fireworks
Date: Midnight, 31 December, 2024
Venue: Victoria Harbour
Tickets: Free

photos: HKTB

Hong Kong New Year Countdown Concert 2021-22

A slew of local artists including AGA, Alfred Hui, Gin Lee, Jay Fung, Joyce Cheng, MIRROR, Edan Lui and the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra created a distinctly Hong Kong style Countdown Concert in West Kowloon.

Live music has been one of the industries hardest hit by Covid and after a 2021 almost devoid of concerts, we can only hope that the Countdown Concert is the start of a year full of gigs and the uplifting feeling and happiness that sharing live music brings.

The concert was live-streamed on New Year’s Eve and is now available on the HKTB youtube channel.






Hong Kong New Year Countdown Concert – Set list

1.《@princejoyce》鄭欣宜 (Joyce Cheng)
2.MegahitAnson Lo@MIRROR
3.《喘息空間》 Gin Lee
4.《金星女孩》Anson Kong@MIRROR
5.Wonderful UAGA
6.So Called Love SongAGA
8.《開始倒數》AGAJay Fung
9.3amAGAJay Fung
10.《冬日寂寞考》Jay Fung
11.《思念即地獄》Jay Fung
14.TonightAGA x 香港管弦樂團 (HK Philharmonic Orchestra)
15.《一步一悔過》Jay Fung x 香港管弦樂團 (HK Philharmonic Orchestra)
16.《女神》鄭欣宜 (Joyce Cheng) x 香港管弦樂團 (HK Philharmonic Orchestra)
17.e先生連環不幸事件》Edan x 香港管弦樂團 (HK Philharmonic Orchestra)
18.《日出時讓街燈安睡》GinLee x 香港管弦樂團 (HK Philharmonic Orchestra)
19.《青春頌》許廷鏗 (Alfred Hui) x 香港管弦樂團 (HK Philharmonic Orchestra)
20.IDKGin Lee
21.《幸福門》Gin Lee
22.《先哭為敬》Gin Lee、《很堅強》鄭欣宜 (Joyce Cheng)
23.《最難行的路》鄭欣宜 (Joyce Cheng)
24.《天下無雙》許廷鏗 x Jay Fung
25.《我的快樂時代》許廷鏗 (Alfred Hui) x Jay Fung
26.《修羅場》許廷鏗 (Alfred Hui)
27.《佛系人生》許廷鏗 (Alfred Hui)
28.《停半分鐘聽一闋歌》許廷鏗 (Alfred Hui)
29. 《鏡中鏡》姜濤
30. 12MIRROR


photos: HKTB

New Year Countdown Concert

The Hong Kong Tourism Board will hold its first-ever New Year countdown concert at the West Kowloon Cultural District, Art Park.

Tickets for the concert, which will feature Mirror, Gin Lee, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Alfred Hui, AGA and other local singers are free and will be distributed by lucky draw. The concert will be live-streamed for those without a ticket.

Registration for the ticket draw is from November 15 to 26 at https://nycdconcert.discoverhongkong.com

Attendees must be double jabbed, wear face masks and use the LeaveHomeSafe app.

New Year Countdown Concert
Date: 10pm, 31 December, 2021
Venue: West Kowloon Cultural District, Art Park
Tickets: Free

Upcoming Gigs, Early 2019

Here’s a round-up of some of the recent gig announcements you may have missed over the holiday period. Lots of good bands large and small coming to Hong Kong… Check out the events diary for details of all the local shows.

Kraftwerk return to Hong Kong with their 3-D Show on Monday, 29 April at Kitec’s Star Hall.
Kraftwerk 3-D Show
8pm, 29 April, 2019
Venue: Kitec, Star Hall
Tickets: $880, $680

Ed Sheeran
4pm, 17-18 April, 2019
Venue: Hong Kong Disneyland, Fantasy Road Outdoor Venue
Tickets: $1,288, $888 from HKTicketing

John Mayer
8pm, 8 April, 2019
Venue: HKCEC, Hall5BC
Tickets: $1,198, $898, $698 from HKTicketing

Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe show-off their pop artistry at AsiaWorld Expo on the 29 March.
Pet Shop Boys – The Super Tour
Date: 8pm, 28 March, 2019
Venue: AsiaWorld Expo, Hall 10
Tickets: $1,288, $1,088, $888, $588 from HKTicketing

Inspired by Bowie’s Heroes album, Philip Glass’s Heroes Symphony is his tribute to the musician, performed by the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra
Philip Glass’s David Bowie
Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra
8pm, 15-16 February, 2019
Venue: Tsuen Wan Town Hall, Auditorium
Tickets: $320, $280, $180, $120 from Urbtix

Date: 8pm, 24 February, 2019
Venue: This Town Needs (TTN)
Tickets: $480, $380 (Advance) from Ticketflap

Music from one of the most interesting shows streaming today.
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein: Perform the Music of Stranger Things
Date: 8pm, 8 May, 2019
Venue: MacPherson Stadium
Tickets: $550, $495, $450

Park Bo Gum – Good Day: May your everyday be a good day
8pm, 16 March, 2019
Venue: AsiaWorld Expo, Hall 10
Tickets: $1,380, $980, $680 from HKTicketing

Dean Fujioka – Born to Make History
8pm, 20 April, 2019
Venue: Kitec, Music Zone@E-Max
Tickets: $888, $688 from Cityline

Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra 2017-18 Season

This week the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra published it’s concert schedule for the 2017-18 season.

Sadly the leaders of the widely respected and hard working orchestra continue to venerate CY Leung, a man who has openly derided musicians, with the title Honorary Patron.

As such bc magazine will continue to actively not write about the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra while he remains in that position.

We eagerly look forward to the day 689 is gone. Although we have no great expectations of Carrie Lam, she will be given the chance to show if she respects and has the best intentions for all HongKongers.

Not just those with private drivers who don’t know how to use the MTR! Or will she, after her ‘gift’ of $3.5billion to Beijing, keep her lips firmly on their rectum and allow them to rob Hong Kong blind to fund their massive vanity construction projects.