Hong Kong Book Fair

Hong Kong Book Fair
Date: 19-25 July 2023
Venue: HK Convention and Exhibition Centre
Tickets: $25
More info:
19-20 July 2023 (Wed-Thur) – 10am-10pm
21-22 July 2023 (Fri-Sat) – 10am-midnight
23-24 July 2023 (Sun-Mon) – 10am-8pm
25 July 2023 (Tue) – 9am-5pm

Book Fair – Cancelled

Hong Kong Book Fair – Cancelled
Date: 16-22 December 2020
Venue: HK Convention and Exhibition Centre
Tickets: $25
More info:
16-17 December 2020 (Wed-Thur) – 10am-10pm
17-18 December 2020 (Fri-Sat) – 10am-midnight
20-21 December 2020 (Sun-Mon) – 10am-8pm
22 December 2020 (Tue) – 9am-5pm

Book Fair Health Risks

The Hong Kong Book Fair is by far the SAR’s largest exhibition with over a million visitors attending last year looking for a bargain or three amongst the plethora of books on sale.

This year’s fair is the first ‘big’ public event in the city post Wuhan virus, and quite simply the HKTDC seem more interested in money than the safety of HongKongers attending the event.

The hygiene and social distancing measures leave a lot to be desired and there are apparently no limits on visitor numbers at the fair. A perfect super virus incubator… with no way to track or trace those who come into contact with an infected person.

The “Reading the World • Inspiring the Mind and Refreshing the Soul” themed fair offers a bit of everything from the casual reader looking for a summer/virus page-turner to the parent looking to drag their child away from a screen. Prices are cheap, and there will be lots of special items and box sets.

The new National Security Law will cause problems for sellers, at least one publisher has already decided not to sell some books at the fair. And you can surely expect a high profile smackdown during the fair of a publisher selling books some insecure twat in Beijing finds too truthful for his liking.

We at bc love the Book Fair, but this year our advice is to stay at home the health risks just aren’t worth it.

Hong Kong Book Fair
Date: 15-21 July 2020
Venue: HK Convention and Exhibition Centre
Tickets: $25
More info:
15-16 July 2020 (Wed-Thur) – 10am-10pm
17-18 July 2020 (Fri-Sat) – 10am-midnight
19-20 July 2020 (Sun-Mon) – 10am-8pm
21 July 2020 (Tue) – 9am-5pm

photos: hkbookfair

Twentieth Hong Kong Book Fair

hk book fair 2015

Now in it’s 20th year, the Hong Kong Book Fair is by far the SAR’s largest exhibition with over a million visitors attending last year looking for a bargain or three amongst the plethora of books on sale. This year’s fair is bigger still and offers a bit of everything from the casual reader looking for a summer pager turner to the parent looking to drag their child away from a screen. Prices are cheap, English fiction paperbacks are as cheap as $38 while many chinese titles are even cheaper. There lots of special items, box sets, magazines galore even a souvenir cover.

There’s several food outlets on both the first floor (along the left hand wall as you face the harbour and in the Grand Foyer on the 3/F which has lots of seating.

Hong Kong Book Fair
Date: 15-21 July 2015
Venue: HK Convention and Exhibition Centre
Tickets: $20
More info:
15-16 July 2015 (Wed-Thur) – 10am-10pm
17-18 July 2015 (Fri-Sat) – 10am-12 midnight
19-20 July 2015 (Sun-Mon) – 10am-10pm
21 July 2015 (Tue) – 9am-5pm

hk book fair 2015

Hong Kong Book Fair

Hong Kong Book Fair
Date: 14-20 July 2021
Venue: HK Convention and Exhibition Centre
Tickets: $25
More info:
14-15 July 2021 (Wed-Thur) – 10am-10pm
16-17 July 2021 (Fri-Sat) – 10am-midnight
18-19 July 2021 (Sun-Mon) – 10am-10pm
20 July 2021 (Tue) – 9am-5pm

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