Tsuen Wan Waterfront Cycle Track Opens

The 2.3 kilometre-long Tsuen Wan Waterfront Cycle Track is now fully open. Running from Tsuen Wan Riviera Park to Bayview Garden the path forms part of the 82km New Territories Cycle Track Network. 

The new track as the name suggests runs along the waterfront and offers panoramic views of the Rambler Channel and Tsing Yi and connects to venues such as Tsuen Wan Riviera Park, Tsuen Wan Park and Tsuen Wan Sports Centre. Among the ancillary facilities along the route is a cycle practise area for those new to two wheels.

Check out the full New Territories Cycle Track Network at www.ntctn.hk. The route of the Tsuen Wan waterfront section has been uploaded to the HKeMobility app.

Mills & Chung Path

The heat and humidity have arrived even earlier this year making hiking a sweaty and dehydrating experience. So if you don’t fancy a draining hike under the midday sun – how about a gentle stroll along the south side of HK Island.


The Mills & Chung Path connects Deep Water Bay and Ocean Park and offers a gentle stroll along the seashore. It takes about 20 minutes and there are refreshments at both ends. Want to walk further, follow the path along to Repulse Bay (30 minutes) or keep going all the way to Stanley (2-3 hours).


Deep Water Bay is the only beach on HK Island with lifeguards all year. There are two food and beverage outlets, free changing rooms (no lockers), toilets, swimming pontoons, and barbecue pits (closed due to Covid).

We Entered Together, We Leave Together

As part of the protest against the extradition bill to China, protesters entered the Legislative Council (LegCo) building around 9pm. Most protesters decided to leave LegCo before midnight, when police action usually begins.

4 protesters decided to stay behind indefinitely and risk being beaten or shot, and 10 years in prison (protesters are often charged with ‘rioting’, which has a maximum sentence of 10 years).

While some protesters urged others to respect the decision of the 4 to sacrifice themselves, others disagreed and about 100 protesters returned to the LegCo chamber at 23:55 (video begins) and rescued/persuaded/urged them to leave, saying that ‘we entered together, we leave together’, ‘we leave no one behind’.

A reporter interviewed one of the those who returned, who appeared to be a young girl around the age of 14. The girl explained that they were fearful of police violence, but they were even more scared that they would lose the 4. She explained that if the 4 cannot leave, neither would they.

This happened yesterday, 1st July 2019.
Video: Facebook Live by The Stand News around 23:55.

Gone But Not Forgotten – Leung Ling-kit


Tragically on the 15 June Leung Ling-kit fell to his death from Pacific Place during the “Say No to China Extradition” protests. Leung loved Hong Kong and was among the many anonymous local heroes who stood up to be heard when they saw their home threatened.

On the 21 June a memorial was held on Queensway and upwards of 10,000 people paid tribute to a man who stood up for what he believed in.

Sadly there will always be ‘+1’ to these protests against politicians who love China and their own self-interest more than the people of Hong Kong they’re supposed to represent.

RIP Leung Ling-kit – Gone, But Never Forgotten!








There is Potential for Rain and Bad Weather Tomorrow…

Here are some more tips to avoid the worst of the weather at your personal picnic or yoga practice in Tamar Park – courtesy of Dave Coulson

Bring an umbrella, and extra water to stay hydrated as it will be hot and humid.

Pepper Spray: Do / Dont’s

DO wear latex gloves at all times. It is easier to change gloves than wash hands.

If you get sprayed DON’T wash your face or hair with water, it will just spread the chemical over a larger area of your body.

DO flush out your eyes with saline IT IS THE ONLY THING THAT WILL WORK, you need to open the eye lids and give the eyeball a good rinse.

DO use a paper towel to dab the face LIGHTLY and absorb the spray

DO wash your arms and hands with water

DON’T touch your face or take of clothes over your head, you will spread chemical back to your face.

DO suck it up, the effects wear off in about 15mins.

DO leave the area ASAP if the police are advancing or clearing an area they will not wait for you to give or receive treatment.

Say No to Extradition

Choose Life! Harvest Festival @ Sangwoodgoon – 22 March, 2015

Choose Life! Harvest Festival @ Sangwoodgoon - 22 March, 2015

“Are there still farm villages in Hong Kong? What kinds of people live there? Who can live there? What kind of ‘investments’ are needed to live such a live? Can I make a choice too? What can I choose from? What are the stories there? What about the place I live, the food I eat…are there any stories behind too?”

The Choose Life! Harvest Festival will feature various activities throughout the day including a “Farmer’s Dining Table” to illustrate the freedom of choice in food and eating, food cooked from plants harvested from this at Sangwoodgoon will be shared at one big dining table. A “Plant-rubbing Print Make Workshop” and “Stories of the Farming Village” will formate more appreciation and awareness of organic food. There’ll also be a “Sunday Farm Market” for buying local and organic plants. Guided tours of the farm will be available to show those living in concrete boxes about planting and maintaining farm lands.

The Choose Life! Harvest Festival
When: 11am – 6pm 22 March, 2015
Where: Sangwoodgoon, Tse Uk Tsuen, Kam Sheung Road, Yuen Long│新界元朗八鄉錦上路謝屋村生活館
More info:
1) Interchange to Bus 64 K (to Taipo Direction) at Kam Sheung Road West Railway Station (Exit C), take off at To Uk Tsuen stop│於西鐵錦上路站C出口轉乘64K巴士(往大埔方向),於「杜屋村」站下車
2) Interchange to Bus 64 K (to Yuen Long Direction) at Tai Wo East Railway Station, take off at Tse Uk Tsuen stop│於太和火車站轉乘64K巴士(往元朗方向),於「謝屋村」站下車

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