30th Anniversary, bc magazine

Happy Birthday to us!

Thirty, yes 30, years ago today, bc magazine debuted on the streets of Hong Kong.

Much has changed over the last 30 years, especially in the last couple Lan Kwai Fong and Wanchai are now unrecognisable from the vibrant social melting pots of the past.

And while you can’t fight change. It does feel a bit sad that many people today seem to care more about a ‘like’ from an invisible unknown digital stranger than engaging with the real people around them.

The melting pot of people around us is after all what makes/made Hong Kong ‘Asia’s World City.’ A place of magic where hard work and a bit of luck (or meeting the right person in a bar) anyone could achieve almost anything.

After all, I could never have imagined when asking two complete strangers in McDonalds if they wanted a job starting a magazine that it’d still be around 30 years later.

A lot of people – staff, friends, advertisers and readers have been involved over the years, thank you for your continued support and strength.

Carpe Diem!

bc is Twenty-Nine!

Happy Birthday to us!

Twenty-nine years ago on the 1st September 1994, bc magazine debuted on the streets of Hong Kong.

A lot of people – staff, friends, advertisers and readers have been involved over the years, thank you for your continued support and strength especially now. Stay safe.

Carpe Diem!

28 Anniversary, bc magazine

Happy Birthday to us!

Twenty-eight years ago today, bc magazine debuted on the streets of Hong Kong.

A lot of people – staff, friends, advertisers and readers have been involved over the years, thank you for your continued support and strength especially now.

Carpe Diem!

27 Anniversary, bc magazine

Happy Birthday to us!

Twenty-seven years ago today, bc magazine debuted on the streets of Hong Kong.

What an amazing experience it has been – highs, lows, depths of despair, top of the world…

A lot of people – staff, friends, advertisers and readers have been involved through the years, thank you for your continued support and strength.

We are HongKongers!

26 Anniversary, bc magazine

Twenty-six years ago today, bc magazine debuted on the streets of Hong Kong.

What an amazing experience it has been – highs, lows, depths of despair, top of the world… A lot of people – staff, friends, advertisers and readers have been involved through the years, thank you for your support and strength.

We are HongKongers!

23 Today, bc magazine

The 1st September 2017 marks the 23rd Anniversary of the launch of bc magazine – what an amazing 23 years its been, how the world has changed.

Massive thanks are owed to far too many people for me to list individual contributors for fear of missing out someone – but back in the 90s without Tom Hallahan and Mark Fitzsimons, bc might never have made it to your hands.

A big thank to all the advertisers who have and continue to make bc possible.

And a big thank you to you the readers for your support – online publishing offers different challenges and opportunities and we are constantly working to keep you updated as to what’s going on in Hong Kong without giving you a digital overload… Thank you!

bc magazine 21

bc fb 21

21 years ago today, the first issue of bc magazine was published in Hong Kong, quite amazing how time flies.

A massive thank you to all those who have contributed over the years and to you the readers for sticking with us.

Hong Kong has had it’s ups and downs and since the 1 September 1994, but we love her and our proud to call her home. We are HongKongers!
