Assault by Lips


The pro Beijing Alliance in Support of our Police Force had a massive area of Chater Garden blocked off by police for their rally – but barely 100 supporters, all of pensionable age, tuned up to support the cause. One man wearing a blue ribbon said he came because the organisation supported him – without expanding on the type of support he received. As with all the ‘rallys’ organised by Letica Lee’s blue ribbons since they first appeared during the umbrella protest to instigate violence and pay people to destroy others property, they don’t believe the law applies to them. A fact that confirmed by my personal observation of police repeatedly ignoring ‘blue ribbons’ breaking the law while inventing reasons to arrest pro-democracy supporters.

Today while shooting photos of a pro police supporter – so proud of her support she didn’t want to be photographed – she kept blocking and knocking my camera with her fingers. Then the woman in the photograph above decided on ‘Assault by Lips’, literally kissing the camera lens smearing lipstick and saliva on the delicate lens coating.

The police refused to address my complaint to arrest the woman for assault and damage to my camera. Instead a plain clothes officer lead the women away through the small crowd (without taking her identity details) trying to lose me in the process. I followed them to the blue tents in the corner where I saw the male officer talking to the woman and pointing to the nearby exit, indicating the woman should leave. It was only because I followed her to film her, that the police took action when a group of pro-police supporters started jostling and abusing me.

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