Hong Kong Art Week 2025

The art world again focuses on Hong Kong this March with several exhibitions bringing thousands of art pieces from emerging and established artists to the SAR.

As the old cliche goes ‘one man’s art though is another’s trash’ and you’ll wonder exactly what the attraction of some pieces are – but there’s enough variety that you’ll likely find a few things to discus, enjoy and perhaps even buy.

art Central 2024

Art Central
A contemporary art fair in the heart of Hong Kong with over 100 exhibitors showcasing the next generation of talent alongside some of the most established galleries from across Asia.

Art Central
Date: 26-30 March 2025
Venue: Central Harbourfront
Tickets: $540, $340, $260 HKTicketing
More info:
26 March: 12nn-5pm / 5-9pm
27 March: 12nn-7pm
28 March: 12nn -7pm
29 March: 11am-7pm
30 March: 11am-5pm

art basel 2023

Art Basel
Many of the world’s leading modern and contemporary art galleries display paintings, drawings, sculptures, installations, prints, photography, film, video, and digital art by over 4,000 artists.

Art Basel
Date: 27-30 March, 2025
Venue: HK Convention and Exhibition Centre
Tickets: $4,880, $1,180, $980, $990, $620, $550, $420, $350 from HKTicketing
More info:
27 March: 4-8pm
28 March: 2-8pm
29 March: 2–8pm
30 March: 12 noon–6pm

Hong Kong Art Week: 25-31 March 2024

The art world again focuses on Hong Kong this March with several exhibitions bringing thousands of art pieces from emerging and established artists to the SAR.

As the old cliche goes ‘one man’s art though is another’s trash’ and you’ll wonder exactly what the attraction of some pieces are – but there’s enough variety that you’ll likely find a few things to discus, enjoy and perhaps even buy.

art Central 2024

Art Central
A contemporary art fair in the heart of Hong Kong with over 100 exhibitors showcasing the next generation of talent alongside some of the most established galleries from across Asia.

Art Central
Date: 28-31 March 2024
Venue: Central Harbourfront
Tickets: $850,  $270, $250 HKTicketing
More info:
28 March: 12nn-5pm / 5-9pm
29 March: 12nn -3pm / 3-6pm
30 March: 11am-7pm
31 March: 11am-5pm

art basel 2023

Art Basel
Many of the world’s leading modern and contemporary art galleries display paintings, drawings, sculptures, installations, prints, photography, film, video, and digital art by over 4,000 artists.

Art Basel
Date: 27-30 March, 2024
Venue: HK Convention and Exhibition Centre
Tickets: $3,680, $1,650, $1,100, $990, $620, $550, $420, $350, $225 from HKTicketing
More info:
27 March: 5-9pm
28 March: 2-8pm
29 March: 2–8pm
30 March: 12 noon–6pm

Fringe Club Lease Renewed for a Year

The Government announced today that the Fringe Club‘s lease has been renewed for twelve months, until 31 March 2024.

However, the premises will go up for tender later this year, to as the government puts it “to identify the most suitable non-profit-making operator of the premises currently occupied by the Fringe Club after the current lease.”

The Fringe Club was established in 1983 and in 2001 it won the HKSAR Government’s first-ever Hong Kong Heritage Award, and the premises were declared a Grade-1 heritage building in 2009.

Clockenflap 2023 Part Deux

After a sold-out weekend, Clockenflap have announced a second festival in 2023 on 1-3 December. No bands have been confirmed.

clockenflap march 2023

Date: 1-3 December, 2023
Venue: Central Harbourfront
Tickets: tbc

image: clockenflap

Hong Kong Art Week 2023

The art world focuses on Hong Kong in March with three exhibitions bringing thousands of art pieces from emerging and established artists.

As the old cliche goes ‘one man’s art though is another’s trash’ and you’ll wonder exactly what the attraction of some pieces are – but there’s enough variety that you’ll likely find a few things to discus, enjoy and perhaps even buy.

Art Central

Art Central
A contemporary art fair in the heart of Hong Kong with over 100 exhibitors showcasing the next generation of talent alongside some of the most established galleries from across Asia.

Art Central
22-25 March 2023
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
$275, $225, $175 from HKTicketing
More info:
23 March: 2-5pm / 5-8pm
24 March: 12nn -4pm / 4-8pm
24 March: 12nn -4pm / 4-8pm
25 March: 11am -3pm / 3-6pm

art basel 2023

Art Basel
Many of the world’s leading modern and contemporary art galleries display paintings, drawings, sculptures, installations, prints, photography, film, video, and digital art by over 4,000 artists.

Art Basel
Date: 23-25 March, 2023
Venue: HK Convention and Exhibition Centre
Tickets: $1,560, $1,290, $1,020, $850, $600, $530, $430, $320, $280 from HKTicketing
More info:
22 March: 5-9pm
23 March: 2-8pm
24 March: 2–8pm
25 March: 12 noon–6pm

HK Art Week 2023
Date: 22 – 25 March, 2023
Venue: HK Convention and Exhibition Centre
Tickets: Free, tbc

Art Basel, Treasure or Trash

After a two-year absence, courtesy of covid Art Basel returns as a physical event… Although with travel quarantine measures still in place many of the regular Art Basel participants are not here.

If we’re being honest – among art aficionados, the amount of hot air often overpowers the strongest aircon – this year’s Art Basel was simply boring.

While art is very subjective and personal and what you like I may not. Art Basel usually has a fair number of pieces that even if you don’t like them they get you thinking or stimulate discussion. This year it was a bit like walking through Ikea it was all so bland, safe and derivative. Not to mention that most participating artists were of the idea that big, bigger and biggest will be ‘more better’ (and profitable).

Here are a few pieces that were less ordinary than the rest, more can be found here:






Satirical Cartoonist Ah To Forced to Flee Hong Kong

Satirical cartoonist 阿塗 Ah To has announced that he has been forced to leave Hong Kong because he no longer feels safe…

A statement on Ah To’s facebook page explains his reasons for leaving so abruptly:

因為離別匆匆,而且必須低調,遺憾無法同朋友一一話別。諗起再會無期的香港親友,諗起在囚或待審的戰友,諗起一直支持我的讀者,諗起要被迫陪我一齊走難的太太⋯⋯心裏非常愧疚。未試過出一個Post 會感到如此吃力,每一個字都令我難過。我會記住呢份愧疚,多替不能發聲的人發聲,希望將來香港歷史書上唔會留低一片靜默;日後提起呢個時代,唔會只剩當代人先能夠理解的零碎記憶,欠缺咗自由的表述,感觸或無從說起。

English translation:

“I’m sorry. I’m leaving Hong Kong because I want to continue creating art for HK.

This sounds paradoxical, but that’s reflective of how I feel inside. My soul remains here, but my flesh has fled. I am concerned that my art may be detached from reality once I begin creating with my soul detached from my flesh, but the pressure of continuing to make topical comics in Hong Kong is too great, I am forced to leave.

I’ve been making topical comics for 11 years, I’ve thought about giving up in 2017 when the social movement was at a low point. I considered transitioning to more slice of life topics in 2021, but that was when HK least and most needed topical comics, I wanted to hang in there. Forgive me, I am weak, I can only accompany HK by creating art from afar.

I had to leave in a hurry, and must keep a low profile, so I regret not being able to bid all my friends farewell. I feel much guilt when I think of my readers who’ve supported me all the way, our comrades who are imprisoned or awaiting trial, and my wife who’s forced to flee with me.

I had no idea posting this would be so difficult, every word I type makes me so sad. I shall carry this guilt with me and speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves.

I hope that the history books of HK will not be filled with silence. In the future, as we try to remember what happened, we’ll have more to rely on beyond the fragmented memories of people who were there. Without expression free, it’s hard to express our feelings.

Take care kind folk, and may kindness be preserved in its many forms.”

press freedom Ah To

leave safe home Ah To

History repeating itself - Ah To