We Entered Together, We Leave Together

As part of the protest against the extradition bill to China, protesters entered the Legislative Council (LegCo) building around 9pm. Most protesters decided to leave LegCo before midnight, when police action usually begins.

4 protesters decided to stay behind indefinitely and risk being beaten or shot, and 10 years in prison (protesters are often charged with ‘rioting’, which has a maximum sentence of 10 years).

While some protesters urged others to respect the decision of the 4 to sacrifice themselves, others disagreed and about 100 protesters returned to the LegCo chamber at 23:55 (video begins) and rescued/persuaded/urged them to leave, saying that ‘we entered together, we leave together’, ‘we leave no one behind’.

A reporter interviewed one of the those who returned, who appeared to be a young girl around the age of 14. The girl explained that they were fearful of police violence, but they were even more scared that they would lose the 4. She explained that if the 4 cannot leave, neither would they.

This happened yesterday, 1st July 2019.
Video: Facebook Live by The Stand News around 23:55.

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