Galloping Horses in the Sky

Galloping Horses in the Sky 2024 Hong kong

The evening sky over Victoria Harbour became a canvas as 1,500 drones paid tribute to Chinese painter Xu Beihong recreating his paintings as Galloping Horses in the Sky.

Organised by the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) the cover image is Xu’s most renowned work, “Galloping Horses”. It shows six horses charging forward in unison with unstoppable momentum.

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Xu’s Galloping Horse created in 1942, the magnificent stallion embodies boundless power.

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Based on Xu’s 1934 work “Vigorous with New Life”, the roaring lion leaps in hope, reflecting HongKongers “Lion Rock Spirit”.

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Xu’s “Chinese Redbud”, an illuminated bauhinia blossom signifies Hong Kong’s vibrant and colourful nature.

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Galloping Horses in the Sky – National Day Drone Show
 8pm, 28 September, 2024
Venue: Victoria Harbour
Tickets: Free

image: HK Tourism

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