HongKongers are NOT objects!

Was this the first time the HK Police inadvertently spoke the truth?
That Carrie Lam and her Beijing buddies just see HongKongers as objects to be beaten, kicked and jailed if they stand in the path of Xi and his sycophants using Hong Kong to get evermore personally wealthy.
Xi, we understand you hate Hong Kong. All your citizens flock here to buy safe foods, get proper treatment in hospitals and to put their money in banks where you can’t just steal it from them on a whim.
And then the real truth hits them, that China is a massive prison with the CCP as jailers and thugs controlling and manipulating lives through violence.
You thought to break us with your batons, instead, you united us, made us stronger, resilient. By nature, HongKongers are not violent (and bc doesn’t support or condone violence), so you might win a battle or two, but this is now a ‘war’ you can never ‘win’!
Why because you can never win our hearts and minds, Xi you have shown HongKongers and the world what life in China today is like… Do as we say or get dragged off and beaten.

HongKongers are NOT objects!
We are free to think and act, argue and love.
Glory to Hong Hong!

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